Cord blood stem cells include haematopoietic stem cells (HPC-Cs), which are currently used in life-saving cellular therapies to regenerate healthy blood and immune systems. Over 40,000 HPC-C therapies have been carried out using umbilical cord blood over the last 30 years.4
Cord blood stem cell therapies are some of the more established stem cell therapies and may be used to treat over 80 diseases, including immune deficiency, leukaemias, blood diseases, metabolic storage diseases and thalassaemia.2,4
While the potential of stem cell therapy is exciting, it is important to note that current approved uses are limited and future uses are developing in clinical trials.
The Australian Stem Cell Handbook provides useful information to help you determine if the potential uses of stem cell therapy may be beneficial for you.3 The decision to use stem cells should be made with a cellular therapy professional.
Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) may be derived from umbilical cord tissue, placental tissue and amniotic fluid.4 However, the process of deriving MSCs from tissue is still under development.5
MSCs have potential in regeneration of bone, cartilage and fat. Research is currently being conducted in bone conditions, heart disease, graft-versus-host disease in donor marrow transplantation, and autoimmune response in diseases such as multiple sclerosis and systemic lupus erythematosus. While the potential of MSCs is exciting, it is important to note that results are variable, current approved uses are limited, and future uses are developing in clinical trials.3 The decision to use stem cells should be made with a cellular therapy professional
An individual’s stem cells, which were collected from them when they were a newborn, are a 100% match to that individual.
The frozen stem cell sample is a 100% match to the individual from whom the stem cells were collected as a newborn.* These stem cells may provide future treatment options for immediate family members – parents have a partial match and siblings have a potential match.
*Samples may not always be suitable for use.