Cryosite Limited

South Granville NSW

All the Good Things You Need to Know About Cryogenic Storage Containers and Their Many Uses

Cryogenic Storage Containers

Cryogenic storage containers are essential for many industries. They keep materials extremely cold, often below -150 degrees Celsius.

This super low temperature is crucial for storing biological samples, vaccines, and other sensitive materials. These containers ensure that the stored items remain fresh and safe for long periods.

They are a key tool in the medical and scientific fields, allowing researchers and doctors to preserve important items without risk of degradation. Understanding how these containers work can help appreciate their importance in modern technology.

In this blog post, we will explore the science behind cryogenic storage containers and their many uses.

The Science Behind Cryogenic Storage

Cryogenic storage relies on principles of thermodynamics and materials science to achieve its ultra-cold temperatures. Here’s a breakdown of how these containers maintain such extreme cold:

  1. Insulation: The outer layer of a cryogenic storage container is designed to minimize heat transfer. This usually involves multiple layers of insulating materials to create a thermal barrier.
  2. Vacuum Layer: Between the inner and outer walls of the container, a vacuum layer is often present. This significantly reduces thermal conduction and convection.
  3. Cryogens: Liquid nitrogen and liquid helium are common cryogens used to achieve and maintain the low temperatures required. Liquid nitrogen, for example, can cool materials to -196 degrees Celsius.

Benefits of Cryogenic Storage for Pharmaceuticals

Cryogenic storage offers numerous advantages for the pharmaceutical industry, ensuring the integrity and longevity of critical materials.

Preservation of Vaccines and Biological Samples

  • Long-Term Stability: Cryogenic storage containers can maintain the stability of vaccines and biological samples for extended periods, often years, without degradation.
  • Prevention of Contamination: The controlled environment reduces the risk of bacterial or viral contamination, which is crucial for maintaining the purity and efficacy of pharmaceutical products.
  • Enhanced Shelf Life: By keeping materials at extremely low temperatures, cryogenic storage significantly extends the shelf life of drugs and vaccines.

Common Applications in the Medical Field

Cryogenic storage containers are utilized in various medical applications:

  1. Tissue and Cell Storage: Enables the preservation of stem cells, bone marrow, and other tissues for future medical treatments.
  2. Blood Banks: Ensures safe storage of blood plasma and other blood products, providing essential support for transfusions and medical emergencies.
  3. Organ Preservation: Facilitates the transport and storage of organs for transplantation, increasing the chances of successful surgeries.

Did You Know?

  • Over 1,000 vaccines are stored in cryogenic conditions globally.
  • Stem cell preservation using cryogenic methods has been instrumental in over 5,000 successful treatments.

Safety and Regulatory Considerations

When dealing with cryogenic storage containers, safety and compliance are paramount to ensure the protection of both the materials stored and the personnel handling them. Here are some critical aspects to consider:

Safety Measures

  • Proper Training: Personnel handling cryogenic materials must undergo training to understand the risks and proper handling techniques, including the use of personal protective equipment (PPE).
  • Ventilation: Cryogenic gases can displace oxygen in the air, posing an asphyxiation hazard. Adequate ventilation systems are essential in storage areas to mitigate this risk.
  • Emergency Protocols: Clear emergency protocols and first-aid measures should be established and communicated to all staff members.

Regulatory Compliance

Adhering to regulatory guidelines is crucial in the pharmaceutical and medical industries. Below are some key regulations to be aware of:

  1. FDA Regulations: Ensuring compliance with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) guidelines for the storage of pharmaceuticals and biological samples.
  2. OSHA Standards: Following Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards to maintain a safe working environment.
  3. ISO Certifications: Achieving ISO certifications, such as ISO 9001 for quality management systems, can enhance credibility and ensure consistent quality in cryogenic storage.

Innovative Uses of Cryogenic Containers

As technology advances, the applications of cryogenic containers continue to expand, touching various sectors beyond medical and pharmaceutical industries. Below are some exciting and innovative uses:

Biotechnology Research

Cryogenic storage plays a pivotal role in the rapidly growing field of biotechnology.

  • Genetic Material Storage: Maintaining the integrity of DNA and RNA samples for advanced genetic research.
  • Cryo-Enzyme Technology: Preserving sensitive enzymes crucial for biotechnological applications.

Food Industry

The food industry benefits immensely from cryogenic technology for both preservation and culinary innovation.

  • Flash Freezing: Ensuring the freshness and quality of perishable items like fish and fruits by quickly freezing them at extremely low temperatures.
  • Molecular Gastronomy: Chefs use cryogenic containers to create innovative dishes, such as frozen foams and rapid chilling of ingredients.

Space Exploration

Cryogenic containers are indispensable in space missions, helping to store and transport critical materials and samples.


  1. Fuel Storage: Liquid hydrogen and oxygen are stored at cryogenic temperatures for rocket propulsion.
  2. Specimen Preservation: Cryogenic storage is used to securely hold extraterrestrial samples collected during space missions.

Chemical Industry

In the chemical industry, cryogenic storage is used for:

  • Cryogenic Separation: Isolating specific gases from mixtures, like separating nitrogen from air.
  • Polymer Research: Storing and analyzing polymers that require low temperature conditions to maintain their properties.

Quick Facts:

  • Flash Freezing: A process that freezes foods in minutes, locking in nutrients and flavour.
  • Biobank: Facilities using cryogenic storage to preserve biological samples for research and medical purposes.


Cryogenic storage containers are a vital tool for pharmaceutical companies, offering numerous benefits for the preservation, stability, and efficacy of their products. By investing in high-quality cryogenic storage solutions, companies can enhance their operations, conduct groundbreaking research, and ensure the safety and effectiveness of their pharmaceuticals.

Ready to Elevate Your Cryogenic Storage Solutions? Contact us today to discover how our state-of-the-art cryogenic storage containers can benefit your operations.

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